Current Issue: Vol. 41, No. 3, Fall 2011:Conversations
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Cara Tuzzolino-Werben
Idiom Editor

Elisabeth Gareis
Column Editor,
Culture Notes

Nanette Dougherty
Column Editor,
Book Review

Ann Wintergerst
Column Editor,
Promising Practices


Featured Article

Idiom Editor Farewell

Julie Dziewisz
Julie Dziewisz,
Idiom Editor, 2001-2011
In the fall of 2001, I became the eighteenth editor of Idiom (Vol. 31, No.3). During the past 10 years and as a member of the NYS TESOL Executive Board, I have met and collaborated with many very interesting, creative, and competent individuals.

In my editorship, 40 issues of Idiom were published, with a total of 1016 pages, in a commitment to communicate ideas with NYS TESOL’s members and colleagues. I hand over the editorship to a very capable successor, Cara Tuzzolino-Werben. I am sure that Cara will find the dedication of NYS TESOL members as inspiring as I did and produce results that are helpful to them. Best wishes, Cara, in this exciting position. With this being my final issue of Idiom as the editor, I have many people to thank.

During my attendance at the annual conferences, I had the opportunity to meet many of you who have contributed to Idiom over the years. Thank goodness for name tags, because sometimes we connected in an elevator or in a conference session. I would like to express my thanks to those of you who sent articles, sharing your knowledge and expertise. You deserve a round of applause for your high standards and hard work, which contributed to the success of each issue.

I was very fortunate to have very dedicated and efficient column editors who were always on time, if not early with the articles they solicited and edited. Thank you to Frank Tang, Book Review column editor, for nine of my 10 years. Although Frank’s shoes were hard to fill, Sarah Nakamaru, our current Book Review column editor has done a great job taking over this position. Thanks also to a dependable Ann Wintergerst for her outstanding work preparing the Promising Practices column. My editorship followed directly in the footsteps of the very competent Elisabeth Gareis, who then became an editor for Culture Notes column. All three columns were a great contibution to each theme-approached issue.

I would like to extend a very special thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Idiom’s copy editor, Ceil Goldman. Without Ceil’s superb expertise with the printed word, Idiom would not have been the same. Ceil has been dedicating herself in this capacity for a total of 23 years. Thank you, Ceil, for your cooperation, efficiency, and professionalism!

Thanks to my husband, Steve, and son Danny, whose schedule and vacations also had to revolve around Idiom deadlines and for the many times they accompanied me to New York City for Saturday Executive Board meetings.

Most of all, thanks to you, NYS TESOL members, for your support and appreciation!

Julie Bonadonna Dziewisz